Two Tips To Follow When Ordering Height Safety Products For Your Factory

If you've begun to use any type of access equipment (such as portable scaffolds or scissor lifts) in your factory, you'll need to order height safety products for the people who have to use this equipment. Here are some tips to follow when you do this.

Look for restraint harnesses with contrasting stitching

Restraint harnesses can be invaluable for those who need to work from the elevated platforms of, for example, cherry pickers and scissor lifts. When a person puts on this harness and attaches one end of it to the railing around the elevated platform, they can reduce their chances of, for example, falling off this platform if they lose their balance whilst working, as the harness will keep them connected to the railing.

When looking for restraint harnesses for your factory staff, you should see if you can find ones whose harnesses have contrasting stitching (such as for example, a black harness with white stitches). The reason for this is that it's extremely important for your staff to be able to quickly inspect this equipment before each use so that if for instance, some of the stitches have come loose and the harness is not safe to wear, they can see this before they put it on. If the stitching matches the harness colour, it will be harder for them to spot any issues with the stitching, and there will be a greater chance of them wearing the harness whilst it's damaged and putting themselves at risk of a serious fall.

Ensure the height safety helmets you order feature inbuilt sweatbands

When shopping for height safety helmets, you should look for ones that come with inbuilt sweatbands. The reason for this is that when your staff are doing physically demanding tasks whilst on the access equipment or when they're using this equipment in hot weather, they will probably perspire quite a lot.

If their safety helmet doesn't have an inbuilt sweatband and, as a result of this, the sweat from their brow gets into their eyes and makes them sting, they may temporarily be unable to see. Whilst this might not be too dangerous if it happened whilst they were on the ground, it could be very hazardous whilst they're on elevated access equipment. They could, for example, accidentally drop or kick a heavy tool off the platform due to being disorientated and unable to see; this might result in it landing on the head of someone below the equipment. If however, their safety helmet has an inbuilt sweatband that absorbs their brow sweat, this will be less likely to happen.

Contact a supplier to order some height safety products today.
